23 research outputs found

    Metodología para la contextualización social de la formación científica de los estudiantes de primer año de la carrera de Ciencias Naturales en el ISP “Rafael María de Mendive” mediante la resolución de problemas de Biología celular

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    En la tesis se aporta una metodología que parte de las necesidades cognoscitivas y prácticas de los profesores en formación inicial de Ciencias Naturales, en tanto sistematiza un accionar para el tratamiento metodológico del proceso de formación científico contextualizado de la Biología Celular, mediante la resolución de problema

    Atitude dos estudantes da sétima à nona série do ensino fundamental em relação aos anfíbios

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    Here we evaluate the basic knowledge and at t itude of s tudents in high school about amphibians, and we promote local understanding and perception about this group. We developed two statistical coefficients to be used in the evaluation of the performances of teachers and students. According to the answers of the questionnaire, the knowledge of students about amphibians is nearly null, and hence negative attitudes were detected toward amphibians. Those negative attitudes could be due to the little development of environmental education by families and teachers. The fear to amphibians was detected mostly in girls, although after the class a positive attitude was observed. The statistical coefficients developed here contribute to the evaluation of knowledge in students, allowing teachers to measure how much the students learn.En este trabajo se evalúan los conocimientos básicos y la actitud que poseen los estudiantes de educación secundaria sobre los anfibios, además de contribuir a la comprensión y la percepción local sobre estos. Se confeccionaron coeficientes que pudieran ser útiles para la evaluación del desempeño de profesores y alumnos. Según las respuestas al cuestionario aplicado, el desconocimiento sobre anfibios está ligado a algunas actitudes negativas hacia estos. Estas actitudes pueden deberse al poco desarrollo de la educación ambiental en familiares y profesorado. La aversión hacia los anfibios fue mayor en hembras, aunque después de la clase se notó un incremento de la actitud positiva hacia estos. Los coeficientes desarrollados aquí contribuyen a la medición del aprendizaje estudiantil, permitiéndole al profesor conocer cuánto están aprendiendo los estudiantes.No presente trabalho avaliam-se os conhecimentos básicos e a atitude dos estudantes da sétima à nona série do ensino fundamental em relação aos anfíbios, além de contribuir à compreensão e percepção local destes animais. Foram confeccionados coeficientes que pudessem ser uteis para a avaliação do desempenho de professores e alunos. De acordo com as respostas do questionário aplicado, o desconhecimento sobre os anfíbios está associado a certas atitudes negativas em relação aos mesmos. As referidas atitudes podem estar ligadas ao pouco desenvolvimento da educação ambiental em familiares e professores. A aversão aos anfíbios foi maior entre as meninas, embora após a aula evidenciou-se um incremento da atitude positiva em relação aos mesmos. Os coeficientes aqui desenvolvidos contribuem à medição do aprendizado estudantil, permitindo ao professor conhecer quanto está sendo aprendido pelos estudantes

    Hagamos Educación Ambiental. Protejamos al Epicrates angulifer

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    The study about the species Epicrates angulifer allows to present in this work a group of diagnostic features that will be used by different people interested on being comunicators, utterers and promoters of the Environmental Education in different scenarios, to guarantee the identification of the species in the nature and with it its protection.El estudio de la especie Epicrates angulifer permite presentar en este trabajo un conjunto de caracteres diagnósticos que podrá ser utilizado por diferentes personas interesados en ser comunicadores, divulgadores y promotores de la Educación Ambiental en los diferentes escenarios, para garantizar la identificación de la especie en la naturaleza y con ello su protección

    Clp protease and OR directly control the proteostasis of phytoene synthase, the crucial enzyme for carotenoid biosynthesis in Arabidopsis

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    Ajuts: This work was supported by Agriculture and Food Research Initiative competitive award no. 2016-67013-24612 from the USDA National Institute of Food and Agriculture and by the HarvestPlus research consortium (2014H6320.FRE)Phytoene synthase (PSY) is the crucial plastidial enzymein the carotenoid biosynthetic pathway. However, its post-translational regulation remains elusive. Likewise, Clp protease constitutes a central part of the plastid protease network, but its substrates for degradation are not well known. In this study, we report that PSY is a substrate of the Clp protease. PSY was uncovered to physically interact with various Clp protease subunits (i.e., ClpS1, ClpC1, and ClpD). High levels of PSY and several other carotenogenic enzyme proteins overaccumulate in the clpc1, clpp4, and clpr1-2 mutants. The overaccumulated PSY was found to be partially enzymatically active. Impairment of Clp activity in clpc1 results in a reduced rate of PSY protein turnover, further supporting the role of Clp protease in degrading PSY protein.On the other hand, the ORANGE (OR) protein, a major post-translational regulator of PSY with holdase chaperone activity, enhances PSY protein stability and increases the enzymatically active proportion of PSY in clpc1, counterbalancing Clp-mediated proteolysis in maintaining PSY proteinhomeostasis. Collectively, these findings provide novel insights into the quality control of plastid-localized proteins and establish a hitherto unidentified post-translational regulatory mechanism of carotenogenic enzymes in modulating carotenoid biosynthesis in plants

    Temáticas ambientales locales en integración con Biología

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    La educación ambiental ofrece los conocimientos para la comprensión acabada y la construcción del proceso de desarrollo sostenible, como solución para enfrentar la crisis en el equilibrio global, como una responsabilidad colectiva, de ahí que el Ministerio de Educación consideró a la misma como parte de la educación integral del individuo y en este sentido, hasta la fecha se han desarrollado diferentes seminarios, eventos, talleres y otras actividades con el fin de divulgar los objetivos y contenidos esenciales de esta temática, así como promover en los alumnos el interés hacia la protección del ambiente, en los que se tiene en cuenta el carácter histórico condicionado por los sucesos, acontecimientos y enfoques de épocas , de ahí la importancia de que el profesor de Biología explique los contenidos desde una perspectiva integradora dándole tratamiento a esta, mediante acciones que recurran a los problemas ambientales nacionales y locales

    Local environmental themes linked with Biology

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    Environmental education offers the knowledge for the complete understanding and the construction of the process of sustainable development, as solution to face the crisis in the global balance, like a collective responsibility, with the result that the Ministry of Education considered it as part of the individual's integral education; and in this sense, so far different seminars, events, shops and other act ivities have been developed with the purpose of disclosing the objectives and essential contents of this theme, as well as to promote in the students the interest toward the protection of the atmosphere, in those that keep in mind the historical character conditioned by the events, and epoch approaches; thereafter, the importance that the Biology professor explains the contents giving treatment to it, by means of facts that appeal to the national and local environmental problems

    El Cuaderno Martiano III: su contextualización en la concepción de las tareas docentes de la Biología de Preuniversitario

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    El estudio de los textos martianos contenidos en el Cuaderno III y la definición de los recursos didácticos para su utilización en la práctica pedagógica permite presentar en este trabajo un conjunto de tareas docentes de la Biología de preuniversitario contextualizadas en la obra martiana y puestas en aplicación en la formación inicial de los profesores de Ciencias Naturales para la Educación Media Superior

    Martiano III book: its contextualization in the conception of teaching tasks of Biology at the preuniversity school level

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    The study of Marti´s texts contained in Student’s Book III and the definition of the didactic resources for their use in the pedagogic al practice allow to present in this article a group of educational tasks of Biology at Pre University School level, contextualiz ed in Marti´s texts and put into practice in the initial formation of Natural Sciences Professors for Pre University School level

    Una metodología para fortalecer la educación ambiental /A methodology to strengthen the environmental education

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    The environmental education is a topic very important in this moment, its development constitutes a necessity in the professors in initial formation, given in the fundamental thing by the contribution that it has in the protection of the environment. The present work has as objective to propose a methodology for the environmental education, from the discipline General Zoology so it contributes to their best preparation. Starting from this problem and the potentialities that offers the discipline General Zoology, different theoretical methods are applied as the analysis and synthesis, historical logical and the system focus and empiric methods like the study of documents: programs, methodological orientations and books of texts, observation to classes and pedagogic test; those that allowed to verify the initial state of this process. The search of information on the topic threw that this thematic has been little tried from the theoretical and the methodological point of view, besides the professors' insufficient preparation in the direction of the process that are reflected in the learning of the professors in initial formation, for that reason was elaborated a methodology to develop the environmental education. The reached results evidence transformation levels that demonstrate that the proposal contributes to the completed preparation in the professors in initial formation.A educação ambiental é um assunto muito atual, seu desenvolvimento é uma necessidade para os professores em treinamento inicial, principalmente devido à contribuição que dá para a proteção do meio ambiente. O presente trabalho visa propor uma metodologia de educação ambiental da disciplina de Zoologia Geral, de modo a contribuir para uma melhor preparação do professor em treinamento. A partir desta problemática e das potencialidades oferecidas pela disciplina Zoologia Geral, diferentes métodos de nível teórico são aplicados, tais como análise e síntese, abordagem histórico-lógica e sistêmica e métodos empíricos como o estudo documental de programas, diretrizes metodológicas e manuais escolares, observação em sala de aula e teste pedagógico, o que permitiu verificar o estado inicial deste processo. A busca de informações sobre o assunto mostrou que este assunto tem sido pouco tratado do ponto de vista teórico e metodológico; além das insuficiências dos professores na direção do processo que se refletem no aprendizado dos professores em treinamento inicial, por isso foi elaborada uma metodologia para desenvolver a educação ambiental. Os resultados obtidos mostram níveis de transformação que demonstram que a proposta contribui para uma preparação mais completa dos professores no treinamento inicial.La educación ambiental es un tema de gran actualidad. Su desarrollo constituye una necesidad en los profesores en formación inicial, dado en lo fundamental por la contribución que esta tiene en la protección del Medio Ambiente. El presente trabajo tiene como objetivo proponer una metodología para la educación ambiental desde la disciplina Zoología General, de modo que contribuya a la mejor preparación del profesor en formación. A partir de esta problemática y las potencialidades que ofrece la disciplina Zoología General se aplicaron diferentes métodos de nivel teórico como el análisis-síntesis, histórico-lógico y el enfoque de sistema y de métodos empíricos como el estudio documental de programas, orientaciones metodológicas y libros de textos, la observación a clases y la prueba pedagógica, los que permitieron constatar el estado inicial de dicho proceso. La búsqueda de información sobre el tema arrojó que esta temática ha sido poco tratada desde lo teórico y lo metodológico; además de insuficiencias de los profesores en la dirección del proceso que se reflejan en el aprendizaje de los profesores en formación inicial, por lo que se elaboró una metodología para desarrollar la educación ambiental. Los resultados alcanzados evidencian niveles de transformación que demuestran que la propuesta contribuye a la preparación más acabada de los profesores en formación inicial

    The environmental formation directed to the protection of the Cuban biological diversity

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    The environmental formation directed to the protection of the biological diversity is a topic of great present time, it is framed in a moment when the global problems and the environment derivatives of these, are in the centre of the problematic of the world environment. Cuba is not exempt of them, and it is necessary to work these topics in the school because the formation of professors constitutes a necessity, so, this article is presented and its objective is: to contribute to the environmental formation directed to the protection of the biological diversity from the General Zoology, to form these professionals in the education environmentally from the contents of this subject. General Zoology is studied in the careers of Biology-Geography and Biology-Chemistry, contributing to the development of knowledge, habits, abilities and values and it allows them to appropriate in responsible performance, in the different components of the environment, using the methods of logical theoretical, historical level and analysis and synthesis, also taking place from the theoretical analysis of the relating ones, characterization of the current state, proposing local environmental thematic that integrate these knowledge and to contribute to mitigate the loss of the biological diversity